5 Ways to Keep Up With Inventory

oldinventoryProper inventory management is critical to your business. Excess inventory items could go unused and eventually be outdated, gathering dust and eventually being disposed of and written off. Lack of available inventory is also a bad thing — it can lead to dissatisfied customers when items or replacement parts are needed but unavailable.

Here are five ways to keep only what you need on the shelves to improve customer service and optimize inventory utilization:

Historical Analysis

Utilize historical inventory information to your advantage in planning for customer needs — it provides insight related to which customers ordered what inventory, when, and how often. It also indicates where it was used.


Know exactly what your existing inventory items are and where they’re located. If you don’t know if you have it or not and then can’t find it when you need it, you’ll end up purchase inventory you don’t need.


Make note of customer demand trends for products to anticipate future needs and coordinate inventory purchasing. This allows you to make optimal purchasing decisions that may also save money through volume purchase discounts.

Inventory Movement

By managing the locations of each item, it’s possible to reduce the space requirements for storing your inventory. Multiple locations for the same item wastes space and requires you to move materials multiple times before they are actually consumed.

Ordering Effectively

By evaluating your inventory levels and usage over time, you can manage the purchasing process more efficiently. Working with suppliers to establish reliable lead times for each item allows you to order materials to coincide with your anticipated demand. This process is applicable to finished goods you re-sell in addition to components and raw materials you may need for spare parts or your manufacturing/assembly processes.

Effective Inventory Movement Using Technical Solutions

SouthWare can help you choose a solution to manage your inventory effectively and reduce carrying costs, improve purchasing efficiency, and provide better customer service. Our mission is to help businesses become more profitable by providing tools necessary to reduce overhead, and increase revenue.

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